Zentangles: A Daily Dose of Design
Tackle these crazy designs and lines with the printable zentangle coloring page.
To create a zentangle, first draw hollow lines by drawing two parallel lines. Curve them in any direction to create loops. When the page is filled completely with lines, fill in the hollow sections between the lines with designs.
The true beauty in zentangles is that they are each unique to their creator, so just doodle away. This website provides examples of designs that are commonly found in zentangles: https://graphicriver.net/item/50-hand-drawn-vector-pattern-brushes/13127138?ref=ksioks&clickthrough_id=1003386159&redirect_back=true. These few line designs that are simple yet beautiful.
Junior Kevin McLemore enjoys coloring in the lines the most.
“I feel as though it’s an escape,” McLemore said. “It’s a moment where I can just relax and create whatever I want.”
Colored pencils, crayons, and markers work best for adding color; however, give watercolors a try for a truly unique piece of art.
The zentangle can form a shape. Visit http://yael360.deviantart.com/art/Zentangle-DIY-ink-bubbles-tutorial-366409320?ga_submit_new=10%253A1366307286 for more design tutorials.
If there’s not enough time to create a zentangle, simply print the Tom Tom Zentangle design above and add color.