What’s in Your Bag: Paige Bolton

Kyle Christian

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Junior Paige Bolton plays on the girls varsity field hockey team and knows how hard players need to work both on and off the field in order to improve. She also knows it is important that athletes are always prepared for any situation they encounter.

“I need my field hockey stick, mouth guard, goggles, cleats, shin guards, makeup wipes, hair ties, headbands, running shoes and a water bottle,” Bolton said. “Those are the most important things I need all the time.”

Playing field hockey is not just swinging a stick and hoping it hits the ball and goes in the back of the net. The game  takes time, preparation and effort. Whether it’s a big game or just a practice, time is needed to prepare a bag that will help the player be the best they can be.

“The time it takes me to prepare my bag isn’t long at all considering I leave everything in my bag after practice or a game,” Bolton said. “Usually I have to put my shin guards back in because I wear them home due to how annoying they are to take off. I also prepare a water bottle which is quick.”

Every sport requires specific things to be in a bag so that an athlete can be the most prepared for whatever happens, these are the things that help Bolton to be successful.