What’s In Your Bag: Girls Volleyball
Hailey Russo shows us what’s in her bag.
As the fall sports season slowly begins, there are key things that allow the Sequoits to stay consistent in their success. Whether it be a superstition or a necessity, sophomore Hailey Russo keeps her belongings close to utilize every opportunity presented on the volleyball court.
“I always have my knee pads in my bag for when I’m diving,” Russo said. “I also always have food to eat, gum to chew and water to drink.”
These items allow her to gain as much energy as possible so that she can go into her game fully prepared to give it her all. Without these things, Russo would not have her routine complete and could possibly not do as well, purely due to the lack of repetition.
Even though her playing skills alone could lead her team to a win, each item in Russo’s bag is essential to her and the way she plays her game. With only being a sophomore on varsity, it’s very important to her that she does not forget any of her go-to things. For example, she has specific protective gear and shoes for volleyball that she cannot play without.
“My shoes are super important,” Russo said. “They’re specifically for volleyball and help me with my grip on the floor, plus I need them because they’re apart of my uniform.”
While Russo may only be a sophomore, she is on her way to leading her team to a successful season with all the things she carries in her bag and her playing skills.