In every sport, every athlete needs to be prepared with things in their bag. Some of the greatest athletes are nothing without their prized possessions held inside of his game bag. One of the best things about running cross country is the runner only needs to bare essentials in order to compete, in comparison to other sports. Runner Danny McPherson only has the essentials in his bag, but those things ensure his success.
“[I have] my uniform, running shoes for practice, spikes for the meet, a roller, and I always carry my hydroflask,” McPherson said. “I always have Advil if I’m ever hurting after or before a meet. I always carry my headphones, so I can focus before my race.”
The most necessary item he always has with him, has to do with his love for music. Therefore, McPherson always has his headphones with him.
“I need my headphones on me because it’s essential to help me prepare for my race and get my energy high and ready to run,” McPherson said. “Music has always helped me focus and get ready whether its a match or a race.”
The mental part of sports is always a hard thing for athletes to grasp at times and running is one of the most mentally challenging sports. Sometimes there is no need for tools in order to succeed in a sport, all that needs to be done is to make be prepared to win.