What Makes You Cardinal Crazy?
Being respectful, responsible and proud are the number one priorities.

Photo By Bradford Hubbard
Do you have the craziness, the school spirit and the pride to be considered a Cardinal Crazy? If you don’t, why not? Being a Cardinal Crazy is all about having a good time, socializing with friends and, of course, cheering for and supporting the Sequoits.
If you’re not familiar with the criteria of being a Cardinal Crazy leader, there is one student at Antioch Community High School that can answer any questions you have about the Cardinal Crazies, and senior Collin Prather is the man to see.
Prather is the Vice President of the Cardinal Crazies and is sociable, gets everybody involved and, most of all, he’s crazy. Prather is a very committed student who puts care and effort into everything he does. He is the definition of a Cardinal Crazy.
Senior Bella Hoffman said, “Collin is a very outgoing guy and cares a lot about the Cardinal Crazies. I also really like how he includes everybody’s thoughts and ideas and listens to everyone when people come to him about ideas for the Cardinal Crazies.”
So what exactly is the definition of a Cardinal Crazy?
Prather said, “To be a Cardinal Crazy, you have to always be ready to go all out for school spirit at games.”
Hoffman and Prather both said being a Cardinal Crazy is a blast. Going to games, dressing up for the themes and cheering for the Sequoits are the best, especially since everyone comes together to cheer for one team. Being a Crazy is also a time to socialize, create memories and meet new people you’ve never seen or talked to before. If you’ve been to a football game this year, either home or away, you have most likely seen the students’ fan section more packed than ever. The Cardinal Crazies are the energy block of the stadium. They get all the fans and football players pumped when they begin cheering.
The Cardinal Crazies, according to Hoffman, is a tremendous group of people who serve as role models for the whole school. They not only support the sports teams by cheering, but also support ACHS by portraying their spirit for the school.
The Crazies have one question for ACHS: “Are you ready to get your crazy on?”