What Is Your Worst Nightmare?

Don’t worry. It was only a dream.

Paige Gruber, Tom Tom Staff

You wake up suddenly in the middle of the night sweating, panting and even trembling, telling yourself that it was just a dream and you weren’t really being chased by a shark in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. If any of that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. In fact, join the club. Everyone
has crazy nightmare experiences.

“One time, I had a dream that I was trapped on this really tall building. Then, all of the sudden, snakes and spiders started chasing me and I couldn’t go anywhere. It was a combination of all my fears: snakes, spiders and heights,” junior Mardochee Kamanga said.

“One night, I had this bad dream that I was on ‘Fear Factor’ and my challenge was to eat abucket full of scorpions,” said junior Anna Arden. “[It] almost made me cry just looking at it for $15,000, or I could walk away with what I already won…I walked with $1,000.”

Next time you wake up paranoid and terrified, take a deep breath. It was only a dream and nightmares are natural.