Victoria’s Secret is a very popular lingerie store for women that opened in 1977. Women are immediately drawn in by the big, pink advertisements of skinny girls modeling cute lingerie. But the real question is, who is Victoria? What is her secret? It’s not what we think about while we shop around inside the store itself.
“I think that her secret is that she’s actually confident with herself even though it may not seem like it on the outside. I think the store helps younger girls feel more confident about themselves,” said sophomore Ashley Reiser.
Victoria’s Secret is known for making women feel more confident about themselves on the outside and inside. Occasionally people come up with crazy theories like thinking that Victoria is actually a man.
In 1970, Roy Raymond walked into a department store to buy lingerie for his wife. While shopping inside, he was extremely uncomfortable and felt like he was being judged. He knew he wasn’t the only male to feel this way, so he came up with the idea to open up a lingerie store where men would feel more comfortable shopping.
He based the theme of the store around the Victorian era, which is where the name Victoria came from. But in 1982, the store was
nearing bankruptcy. Leslie Wexner bought the store from Raymond and in a matter of 15 years, Victoria’s Secret became a $1.9 billion company.
However, the story behind one of America’s favorite lingerie stores is quite tragic. Raymond ended up committing suicide after another failed business attempt.