Johnny Horton
It’s been two years since Kony 2012. As 2014 is drawing to an end, the familiar question still crosses the minds of the Antioch Community High School student body: what ever happened to Kony? What ever happened to the “Invisible Children Inc.” and where are they now? The campaign to “Make Kony Famous” arose two years ago. The half-hour film broke records in less than a week, having over 100 million views and making over 20 million dollars. Back in 2012, ACHS held a presentation to help bring awareness to the staff and students about Kony.
“I first heard about Kony in 2012 through a friend, who was one of the original students helping bring awareness to the schools,” said senior Abby Shepherd.
Joseph Kony is an African cult militia leader. He is known for abducting children from their homes and forcing them to fight in his Lord’s Resistance Army. He abducted more than 30,000 children in East and Central Africa, turning the boys into soldiers and girls into sex slaves.
“He’s [Kony] using this lack of government and stability to create this militia. What is the point of this militia? He’s not using it to create an utopian society. He’s not using it to provide order to a country that needs order. Instead, he’s doing this largely because he wants power. He appears to be doing this out of self motivation,” said social studies teacher Amy Skonberg.
Many believe that the Kony campaign was a hoax and that none of the money actually went to the Invisible Children.
“I think the Kony campaign was fake because everyone got so involved and so quick without any knowledge of what the cause was and just started to donate money. I do not think that Joesph Kony, the person, is fake, but the cause itself is,” said junior Kyle Babcock.
Total revenue for the campaign was 31.94 million dollars, 1.28 million of that was restricted. Of that, the company spent 35 percent on mobilization, 27 percent on recovery, 10 percent on protection and 9 percent on media. The most money was spent on mobilization, which included film tours, music tours and international advocacy and events.
“The problem with this campaign is that it went viral,” said Skonberg. “It went viral, and it went viral way faster than the interest group had thought and didn’t have time to respond.”
It’s been two years now, and Kony is still yet to be found. Some believe that he’s running around the jungles of Africa. Others say he is fake and that it is a wild goose chase. For now, Kony’s location is unknown, but the Invisible Children Inc. will continue to work to stop the LRA and bring justice to the victims of Kony.