Weekly Workouts: Bye Bye Muffin Top
Sweat away a muffin top with this simple workout.
It’s important to take pride in one’s self, but it can be hard when self image is affected by stereotypes, like the well-known “muffin top.” Luckily, there’s an easy way to boost confidence and rid one’s self of this negative connotation. By combining this simple exercise routine with healthy eating habits, a happy lifestyle is promising.
Do three sets of these exercises daily with a one minute break between sets for the best results.
Run In Place:
60 seconds
Be sure to get the heart rate up. This exercise mostly focuses on cardiovascular endurance.
Bicycle Crunches:
45 seconds
Move each leg in a circular motion, like riding a bicycle and alternate bringing elbows to the knees.
Leg Lifts:
45 seconds
While laying down, lift each leg separately and then bring it down without touching the floor. Repeat these steps.
Standing Elbow Crunches:
60 seconds
This is like high knees, but bring the elbows toward the knees when raising them.
Side Plank Dips:
60 seconds
Tilt side to side while in plank position.
Superman/Flutter Kicks:
45 seconds
Laying on the stomach, extend the arms forwards and lift the legs, while fluttering them.
45 seconds
This is the same thing as a burpee.
Dumbbell Side Bend:
30 seconds on each side
While standing with a light weight in one hand, dip down sideways towards the weight. Then go back up and repeat.
Russian Twist:
45 seconds
In crunch position, twist the upper body to the right, then the left. Continue this movement.
Plank Dips:
30 seconds
In plank position, twist the hips to each side and back up again.
Senior Karla Toman and junior Samantha Knab share their personal favorite ways to stay active.
“I really like doing the kind of power lifts we do in physical best because it makes me feel strong, both mentally and physically,” Knab said. “It’s fun to see the improvement I make when I look back at how far I’ve come, which is a really rewarding feeling.”
Toman prefers recreational sport over hitting the gym.
“I enjoy rock climbing because of the satisfaction I get when I reach the top,” Toman said.
Regardless of the form of exercise, it is important to view one’s self in a positive way and remember that exercising is a great way to transform one’s life.
This workout was inspired by http://www.spotebi.com/workout-routines/muffin-top-exercises-cardio-abs-obliques-workout/. Discover more workouts with the link above.