Ways To Use Leftover Nail Polish
Here are some handy crafts to put those extra nail polish bottles to use.
A lot of people can relate: too many half used nail polish bottles that sit at the bottom of the drawer until they are finally tossed. Luckily, there is a solution to the sad end of nail polish. Here are a few ways to reduce the waste and make good use of old nail polish.
Painted Keys:
Sometimes, it can be difficult to differentiate between keys. Painting the tops can help keep them color coordinated while adding an extra flair to an ordinary item.
Bobby pins & Hair Clips:
Tired of those ordinary hair clips? Spice them up with some new patterns. Get creative and search zen doodles on this website for design ideas.
Glue Gun Shapes:
Make cute window cleans by creating designs with a hot glue gun. Let the designs cool before coating them with sparkly nail polish.
Paper Weights:
Make an ordinary rock into a crafty paper weight by painting designs on it with nail polish. The tiny brush is the perfect size to create small patterns.
DIY Matte Nail Polish:
Half-used eyeshadow combined with half used nail polish creates a one-of-a-kind matte nail polish color. Clear nail polish mixes the best.
Easter Egg Coloring:
Ditch the dye and paint eggs with nail polish instead. It is an easy solution to avoid messy hands–just remember to wear gloves.
For more practical nail polish uses,, check out https://thewhoot.com/whoot-news/crafty-corner/diy-watercolour-mug and http://www.momsandcrafters.com/nail-polish-crafts/.