Volleyball Profile: Coach Atkinson

Karley Rogalski, Team Leader

Boys varsity volleyball coach Jamie Atkinson has played volleyball for over 20 years having started in fourth grade, and does not plan to stop anytime soon. Throughout her time playing volleyball, she has learned many different things involved with the game, most importantly how having a positive attitude towards the game and other players can change the outcome of any season.

Being a positive person in my players’ lives and trying to be a support system for their lives outside of sports is something that I think has translated from playing to coaching,” Atkinson said. “Sometimes it’s hard to always be the one who keeps the positive attitude going but it really does make a difference and I think it’s what separates some of my relationships with players as they extend past their four years of high school.”

For Atkinson, maintaining a solid support system is very important because it is something that all players will need at some point in their careers, whether it be in the moment or in the future. Also, a solid support system can bring a team together under a coach they trust and can help them with any problem they are going through. Since she has also played the sport, Atkinson can understand the troubles that the players are going through better than coaches who have never played the sport before.

“The hardest thing about managing school and volleyball is maintaining good time management,” junior volleyball player Landon Norkus said. “Ms. Atkinson always understands when I need to get my grades up if I can’t make it to practice one day.”

Some of Atkinson’s goals for this season include winning their conference and the regional title. She is also looking to further build the program, as it is currently on an upswing and there has been a consistent flow of freshmen who have wanted to join these past few years. There are many first time varsity players this year, so she is looking forward to cleaning up their skills so that the team can achieve their goals.

“I think that we are going to have a great year,” junior volleyball player Joey Whittall said. “I’m really looking forward to learning more about volleyball from Ms. Atkinson this season since I will hopefully be playing more this year.”

Support coach Atkinson and the boys volleyball teams as they hope to have a winning season this year.