Clay Vesser
Alternative rock band from Dublin, Ireland, Kodaline, is in no sense new to the music scene, but is most recently making a recovery and sneaking into some of the most popular music playlists on Spotify and Pandora. Originally known as 21 Demands for six years, Kodaline transitioned to their new title in late 2011 and have released two albums over the past five years. Kodaline turned over their second album, “Coming Up for Air”, in only a couple months. A dramatic difference from the production speed of their first album, “In a Perfect World”.
According to an interview from their website, kodaline.com, the lead singer Steve Garrigan stated, “If you’d told us at the start of the summer that we’d be finished our album by autumn we wouldn’t have believed you,” said Garrigan, “It happened so quickly. A lot of the songs were done live in the studio, on the spot.”
Their most recent song and music video was released in the summer of 2015. “Love Will Set You Free” has received over two million views on YouTube, a starting low in comparison to their track “All I Want”, that has reached 21 million views since it’s release in September of 2012. “Coming Up For Air” is unique in not only it’s value of quality songs, but in it’s transformation as an album. Kodaline took a different route in creating their second album, using unusual and more relaxed techniques. “We banged cups and saucers together to make the rhythm and recorded it on a laptop,” stated guitarist Mark Prendergast, “We remade it, properly, in the studio with whatever sounds were around. That’s one of the songs that features a spray can.”
Kodaline has made an impact in the indie-pop and alternative music industry, and continues to create new music for the future to come.