Aubrey Ultsch
Tyler Wnek at the Lakes vs. Antioch basketball game
Senior superfan Tyler Wnek is in his final year of high school and intends to make the most out of it. Wnek can be found at most Sequoit sporting events, but basketball is his favorite. He is always hyping up the crowd and student section to help the Sequoits perform better. His large involvement with the team and love for the game have helped him create relationships that are very important to him.
“I constantly stress about relationships and how that always matters,” Wnek said. “Sometimes it’s not just about watching the game. It’s about cheering on your friends.”
Wnek creates an impact on individuals throughout the community, not just the players on the court. His ‘Beat Lakes’ posters are scattered through the school before a big game against the Eagles. The posters get students excited about the game but also create a bond between students and strengthen the community.
“When I see his beat Lakes signs in the hallways, it just gets me really hyped,” junior Tyler Miller said. “I want to beat Lakes myself…”
The ACHS vs. Lakes rivalry is huge among for students, staff and even alumni of the schools. Wnek has just finished writing a book with over 70 pages and more than 17,000 words to detail the rivalry.
“It’s about the 2022 Lakes vs. Antioch basketball rivalry,” Wnek said. “I hope that people can understand that relationships are more important than the game.”
Due to ACHS and LCHS’s proximity, being separated by only three miles, some students have grown up going to elementary and middle school together, making the rivalry much more intriguing.
Boys basketball head coach, Sean Connor, thinks that it is great to have Wnek in the school to bring the energy and represent the school positively.
“It’s fantastic how he impacts the culture here,” Coach Connor said. “The energy he brings is infectious and his book about the Antioch-Lakes rivalry just shows how passionate he is about the school.”
Wnek bleeds cardinal and gray and is the perfect example of what it means to be a Sequoit. Fans can catch Wnek at future Sequoit basketball games this season.