True Love’s Kiss
The power of which a peck can hold.
“X” and “Z” sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
One single kiss can change everything. It creates a moment filled with awkwardness and tenderness. No matter what age or who with, oftentimes, people feel some sort of sweet sensation within one kiss. Whether it’s the first or the 100th one, a single peck creates a snowball effect.
“After my first kiss people came up to me asking questions and making assumptions,” senior Emily Palmer said.
Palmer had her first kiss in the eighth grade. She was at a party at her friend’s house, when all of the sudden a game of Truth or Dare started up.
One Mississippi, two Mississippi three Mississippi… dare complete!
To Palmer, the kiss meant nothing more than a dare. But to everyone else, it was the gateway to rumors and gossip.
One kiss may lead to another, but in some situations, one kiss will stay at only one.
“When it comes to kissing, make it mean something. Find someone who feels the same way you do,” Palmer said.
Whether you believe in true love or not, no one can deny the power one kiss may hold. It may not turn somebody into a princess, but it can make someone feel like one.