To Be Played at a Later Date
Recent extreme weather has lead to a series of cancellations of games and practices for the boys basketball team.
Robert Christiansen looks to pass in the game versus Grant.
The recent extreme weather has lead to some cancellations of games and practices for the boys basketball team.
“We are pretty frustrated with all the canceled games,” senior forward Jack Gillespie said. “It’s tough when you gameplan for an opponent and get into a game day mindset and then don’t get to play the game.”
Their game versus Grayslake Central, scheduled for January 22, was canceled, their rivalry game versus Lakes was rescheduled to the end of February and some practices over the last couple weeks were canceled.
“It’s hard to get ready for a game when you don’t exactly know when you’re going to be playing it,” senior guard Robert Christiansen said. “Practice plans are so different on days before games vs regular weekly practices.”
Both of the decisions to cancel the games came after 1:00 p.m. However, while the weather has been aggravating for the players, the team isn’t letting it get the best of them.
“It gives our team a chance to rest our bodies and prepare for the rest of the season,” senior center Kevin Tebbe said. “Basketball is a long season and the little break we have had of games helps us get ready for the rest of the conference and then onto regionals.”
The team also understands that the school is taking safety into account when they make these decisions.
“There isn’t really a good way to do things when it’s -50 degrees out,” Gillespie said. ”No one wants to cancel the games, but also no one wants to leave the house in this weather either.”
Besides safety, the boys also know that the school is putting in maximum effort to make the rescheduled games as advantageous for fans and players alike.
“They take into account our schedule of games and try and give us the best chance to prepare and to be ready to play the game,” Tebbe said.
If there is any positive to come from this game, the Sequoits will be more experienced and ready for Lakes at the end of the year, and depending on standings, the game could carry more weight to it, too.