Abby Pierce
Students show their support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month by wearing pink.
Many Antioch Community High School students supported breast cancer on Tuesday, Sept. 30. Both ACHS volleyball and field hockey players showed the importance of finding a cure for breast cancer by wearing pink shirts in their games. In addition to athletes, many ACHS students wore pink to school and the games to show their support.
The ACHS Volleyball Team sold Volley for a Cure shirts in the commons throughout the week. All of the money that was raised went to support Breast Cancer Awareness. In past years, Lakes and ACHS Volley for a Cure shirts were two different shades of pink. This year, they wanted to change it up and make the shirts the same shade of pink to display unity between the schools. The Field Hockey Team also sold shirts to students, teachers and family members.
Many students participated in wearing pink to show their support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.