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Photo Courtesy of Samuel Wordon
The Principal’s Report Card
Photo Courtesy of Samuel Wordon

The Principal’s Report Card

Grade Mr. Hubbard’s View Grade The Tom Tom’s View Grade Student or Staff Member’s View
Interaction with Students B It is by far my favorite part of the job, but something I never feel like I get enough of. But the interactions have been very, very positive, so that’s exciting. I really enjoy my time with the student body. A Hubbard has shown a commendable effort in being visible to students, but I’m sure we’d love to see more of him. Health with Hubbard, anyone? Or maybe P.E. with the principal? On second thought, maybe that’s not such a good idea… A I love seeing him talking with students in the halls; he, along with the assistant principals, probably make up the most interactive administration we have had in my four years at ACHS. Furthermore, I see him at practically every event I go to and he is always tweeting cute pictures of sports teams and events. I genuinely hope that he stays at ACHS for as long as he can. ~Sara Petty, senior and Tom Tom Editor-in-Chief
Organizational Skills C+ There are certain things that I prioritize. I am very organized in terms of where things are and the information I need to have. In terms of the organizational skills with respect to time management—I think I need to continue to work on that. B+ His office is remarkably uncluttered for such a busy man, with nary a crumb on the floor. Of course, he has the help of his lovely administrative assistant, Nancy Corey, to help with his schedule. But considering he often gets a hundered emails a day, his organizational skills must be pretty good. A With the many hats that his job includes, he somehow manages to get it all completed. There are some times when it may be a little late (i.e. Friday Followup), but he still realizes the importance of it and gets it accomplished. His time is well organized and when he sees an open opportunity, he is aware of those happenings going on to fill his time (i.e. attended a golf meet when a meeting was canceled). ~Jill Farrell, math teacher and department chair
School Spirit B+ I absolutely love this place, and so certainly I have a ton of school spirit. I probably don’t participate in Friday spirit days as much as I should. While I am at events, I could certainly play a bigger role in the spirit component of it. A- Hubbard faithfully shows up to many games, tournaments, concerts and performances throughout the year. We didn’t see any face paint or hear any vuvuzelas from the principal, though, which means there’s still room for improvement. A- I love how involved he is and how much school spirit he has, [such as] attending almost every sporting event. I think that is great to see. Also, the “minus” comes from some tradition being lost, like saying “Home of the Sequoits.” Overall I believe Mr. Hubbard does a great job interacting with the students, greeting everyone with a positive attitude, as well as all of the other administrators. ~Nick Muskat, senior and Cardinal Crazies leader
Fashion Sense B I don’t think I wear anything “out of the norm.” I try to dress professionally, but I haven’t delved into the bowties yet or made a fashion statement. B+ Here’s looking at you, classy sweater vest. Hubbard’s wardrobe is professional and yet not overly formal, a great combination. He’s even been known to don workout clothes for a morning game of basketball. The only thing lacking would be the occasional bow-tie, a lovely addition to any outfit. Just once, please? A- Mr. Hubbard’s attire definitely screams principal when one sees him traversing the hallways of ACHS. His sharp suit coats and matching ties, coupled with the occasional argyle sweater vest, say that he’s a man who wants the world to know he’s in charge. However, now that the first year’s concluded, Mr. Hubbard should understand that we all respect him as principal; now he can relax and let his focus on his next year’s wardrobe scream ACHS! ~Audrey Nagel-Schoonmaker, English teacher
Vehicle C It doesn’t show anything about me. I think if I had a minivan it would show that I’m a family person. If I had a sports car it would show a different side which probably isn’t representative of me. I like it, but I don’t love it. B- Hubbard may not be in love with his own vehicle, but it’s a far cry from the beat-up cars or soccer mom vans that some high schoolers drive, so it’s just fine by us. But honestly, it would be fun to have a principal in a Volkswagen Beetle or a convertible. B+ Mr. Hubbard’s vehicle is a gas guzzling giant! While this reviewer only needs two wheels and muscles for energy, Mr. Hubbard’s family requires more. The choice of vehicle and color says “family man” but does not scream “old man”. Note: the original grade was a B-, but Mr. Hubbard’s participation in our summer car wash and the Snowpocalypse caused much lamentation that bicycles are not AWD! ~Stephen Rose, social studies teacher and avid bicycle rider
Availability A- I feel like I make myself available whenever possible, however I never feel I am available enough. But certainly, if somebody reaches out to me, there’s not been a time when I’ve said, ‘I can’t make myself available’ —that’s just not who I am. A Hubbard’s “open door” policy—meaning he keeps his office open to visitors throughout the day—gives students and teachers a great opportunity to be heard. He is also quick to make time for meetings and put the students first. A Something that I think we all know is that if we ever want or need to meet with Mr. Hubbard, we will, sooner rather than later. Nearly every passing period we all see him hanging out in the halls, asking all of us about our how our days are going; if not that, then we all know that he’s nothing more than a quick email away. Mr. Hubbard’s focus on the principle of accessibility is one of the things that he does best. ~Vivek Gupta, senior and president of the National Honor Society
Social Media Usage C Social media holds a very unique opportunity for me to both communicate but also learn professionally. I use it when I can or when I’m thinking of it, but it certainly hasn’t been regular or consistent, so I think I am missing out on opportunities. B Never have we had so much social media at the tips of our fingers—and never have we had a principal that utilizes them so much. Make sure you follow Hubbard on twitter, subscribe to his blog and read through his website. We’d like to see an Instagram, Tumblr or Pinterest page run by the principal, too. We could image #hubbard or #principalproblems trending in the near future. A Mr. Hubbard has earned an A during his Freshman year as Principal. He has fully embraced the possibilities of harnessing social media to foster connections between teachers, students, and the community. Although his assignments are not always submitted on time—see the occasional Friday Follow Up email submitted on Saturday or even Tuesday—his enthusiasm and depth of communication more than make up for the occasional lack of timeliness. ~Samuel Worden, English teacher, Finesse adviser and Webmaster
Personal Improvement C I need to do a better job of finding balance. In terms of professional improvement, I am very reflective on my practice and I try to be a learner. But in terms of personal improvment, certain hobbies and things that I need to do to keep myself in shape have kind of fallen by the wayside. B- Working on his Doctorate, working out during morning basketball games and sometimes even eating lunch are all things that Hubbard has had to put on hold at some point during his first year as principal. We’d love to see him carve out time for himself more frequently, but we appreciate the effort he puts into his job every single day. C+ To be new to a principal position, be new to a school and just everything new about it—it’s a lot. We always give him a hard time about not eating lunch sometimes when it’s crazy around here. And getting exercise is often the first thing to go. We all talk about having a balance in this position, and we all struggle with it. He is continuously reflecting on what he’s doing, keeping in mind what is best for the kids. There’s no question in my mind about that. ~Aryan Haren, Assistant Principal
Comittment to Family A- I am certianly committed to my family. My professional life is very connected to who I am as a father. I think the one place I need to grow is finding time for them. But certainly I don’t think that anyone could question my committment to my family, other than some of the time I lack in not being with them. A It doesn’t take a high school diploma to clearly see how much Hubbard cares for his family. His wife and two daughters are mentioned frequently and fondly, and he is intentional about spending time with them. As much as he loves his Sequoit family, we could never replace the special bond between him and his personal family. A On his commitment to family I would most definitely award him an A. He is fiercely dedicated to making our lives, mine and our two daughters’, as comfortable, safe, supportive and loving as he can. I think it is partly because of this dedication that he feels a similar sense of commitment to his work at ACHS. Brad is who he is because of the relationships he has built with his family, friends, colleagues and students. ~Kelly Hubbard, wife of principal Bradford Hubbard
Community Relations B In taking a new role in the first year, my number one priority was school relations, certainly knowing that this is a community position. I need to do a little bit more, but my priority truly has been the school. And as I look to the future, I’d like to branch out into some more community organizations. B+ From being involved with the Lion’s Club to the Rotary club to the 4th of July parade, the Village of Antioch keeps Hubbard busy. And in future years at the high school, these relationships he’s started with our community are sure to grow. A- Mr. Hubbard has been nothing short of amazing. There are few administrators that put in the time and display the genuine interest that he does. I give him a minus because anything better may go to his head! After all, he needs something to work toward. ~Jim McKay, D117 Superintendent

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