The Influence of a Name
Athletics is a tradition; one that is oftentimes passed on from a parent to a child. That tradition is commonly known by the name on the back of a jersey.
Being a high school athlete is already difficult enough. Both in school and around town people expect you to be a good example and to always carry yourself well. Not only do I have to meet those expectations, but I also live with the legacy of my family’s name around Antioch. Both of my parents grew up here, attended Antioch Community High School and are two pretty well known people around town.
The Nauman name has sent four people through this school before myself—all of which were sure to stay engaged in clubs and sports. Not only were my aunts and uncles involved when they were in school, but both of my grandparents were all-hands-on-deck when it came to Sequoit athletics.
In addition to trying to participate in everything, my grandfather is an independent accountant in Antioch who works with families and local businesses. Wherever I go, in or out of school, people always ask me if I have any relation to the great Bill Nauman. Anyone that has been around Antioch in at least twenty years knows someone in my family.
Being known around town isn’t a bad thing; I don’t wear it on my sleeve, but I’m humble to come from such a well known family. Nevertheless, it is not always smooth sailing; people are always watching, taking note of every move I make and every action that I take- good and bad. I always remind myself when I leave the house that I am representing my family. Every decision I make not only affects me but the rest of my family as well.
My daily actions not only define who I am, but also the people I’m associated with. Most people know me as Brad and Kelly’s oldest child, but it goes farther than that. My dad was an athlete when he attended ACHS-playing all the same sports as I do, and not to mention, I look exactly like my father when he was in high school. I not only have to be aware of my decisions, but I have to live up to the great legacy my dad left for me when he went to ACHS.
Whether it is family, friends or people I’m not familiar with, a great deal of Antioch has high expectations set for me. What some might not realize is even when others give off pressure, I’m the one who puts most of the weight on my shoulders. Having a division one football player as a father can be taxing, considering that I have a goal of playing sports at the college level, too. Playing sports is in my blood, and a part of me believes the only way I’ll be good is if I surpass what my dad has accomplished. Friday night lights have brought me happiness for four straight years, but that’s not the only game I play every week. It’s the positive mentality I have to keep against all the negativity that’s brought upon myself on a continuous loop that repeats how I will never be good enough. I want to make my family proud, but more importantly, I want to make myself proud.
What keeps me going? Simple: my motivation. Even though I realize that some of my expectations are much more difficult than others, I continue to strive for what I want. Although working toward the exact same thing your entire life can get boring and repetitive to some people, I find that constantly having something to work toward is what makes life worth living. It is the thing that gives people purpose. I cannot imagine what my life would be like if I did not constantly have a reason to work harder, or a reminder of why I do what I do.
I believe that a majority of people expect and look forward to being just like their parents when they are older. One can only dream to carry on the name that someone before them made famous or recognizable. I want to be a part of my family’s legacy, but also make a name for myself. In the near future when people hear of the last name Nauman, I want them to think of me and the impact I’ve made.