The Diet Athletes Should Have

Peter Boeh, Tom Tom Team Leader

Athletes need energy to perform, and they want to do all they can to not become injured. One way they can help benefit themselves is by having the right diet.

Carbohydrates are very essential for energy because the body breaks it down to glucose, a form of sugar. Then it stores in the muscles as glycogen which fuels the body. Carbohydrates are most beneficial to consume hours before performing or even the night before a performance.  

The next thing your body needs is protein. Protein it is not for energy purposes, rather it is mainly used to maintain and help build muscle. Do not eat too much protein or it will put a strain on your kidneys. Athletes should eat about 1.2-1.4 grams of protein, drink milk and eat lean meats, nuts, beans or eggs for a successful muscle rebuild.

One of the most important things is to drink fluids early and often because during an intense exercise you can get dehydrated easily. Being dehydrated can hurt the performance of the individual and might affect the way the team plays. So it is very important that in the morning and throughout the day to drink fluids often.

These are guidelines that athletes should follow: eat carbs, proteins, not a lot of fats, drink fluids often and replace electrolytes and you will perform to your highest potential.