The Debate About Breakfast
Breakfast is often said to be the most important meal of the day, but many people don’t eat it.
Everyone has heard of an early morning scramble. It’s common in high school, time and time again, especially when families don’t wake up early. The routine of waking up late, running through the house and grabbing the necessities for school. In the rush of the moment, one runs out the door forgetting the most important thing: breakfast. Then, the dreaded phrase is said, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” But is it really?
“Breakfast is important because it gives me the energy to function throughout the day,” sophomore Jamie Nottingham said.
At night, the body shuts down when one goes to sleep. While sleeping, the body has no way to receive energy, so it goes into a form of hibernation. In the morning one may not feel it but the body is craving food. This is due to the lack of nutritional food that has not been consumed within the hibernation period.
Food provides energy. The human body breaks down food within the stomach, which then transforms into sugar: glucose. The body releases it into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, glucose can be used immediately for energy or stored in the body to be used later. This is used to help the body with basic functions.
According to the research of dietitian Leslie Bonci in 2016, the importance of breakfast depends on age and daily habits.
“For kids and students, studies have shown that eating a meal first thing in the morning has a positive influence on cognitive performance in school, especially on task-oriented behavior,” Bonci said.
Without the energy provided from food, the body has no fuel to function. Without the sugars, the body can not function to its best ability.
To eat or not to eat is the debate, but the body depends on it.