The student news site of Antioch Community High School.

Sequoit Media

The student news site of Antioch Community High School.

Sequoit Media

The student news site of Antioch Community High School.

Sequoit Media


The commemoration of AP Capstone Night

AP Capstone Community Night is an annual event that celebrates the work done by AP Research and Seminar students throughout the year, organized by those same students.
All AP Capstone students. Photo courtesy of the AP Capstone class.

Antioch Community High School will hold AP Capstone Community Night on Tuesday, May 21, at 5 p.m. The event celebrates the hard work of AP Research and AP Seminar students.

Throughout the school year, these AP Capstone students choose a topic, that has a lacking amount of existing research, and study it extensively, ultimately producing a comprehensive essay and a thorough presentation in the spring. 

At this event, there will be two keynote speakers, AP Research juniors Annalise Lowrance and Jennifer Serifov, who will each deliver the entirety of their presentations in the auditorium. ACHS junior and AP Research student Enza Nawrocki believes this to be a great way to exemplify the ongoings of the two courses. 

“This night showcases the hard work [that] both the Seminar and Research students have put in throughout the course of the year,” Nawrocki said.

AP Seminar and Research students have been busily preparing for this in the past few weeks, making and printing invitations and programs and making arrangements for this significant, honorary occasion. Families, ACHS students, and staff are invited to join those involved tonight to share in the congratulatory affair. 

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About the Contributor
Sydney Vega
Sydney Vega, Tom Tom Staff
Sydney Vega is a junior and this is her first year on the Tom Tom staff. She is a competitive swimmer and a member of NHS. In her free time, Vega loves to read and hang out with friends.
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