Taylor Swift Apple Ad is Awkwardly Painful
Swift partners with Apple in their newest video ad that presents additions to Apple Music.
Taylor swift falling of treadmill while singing jump man.
April 7, 2016
Taylor Swift is back again, not exactly dancing, but definitely rapping. To say the least, it is a rough experience for any hip-hop or Drake lover that used to jam to “Jumpman” to listen to her painstakingly rough vocals. Swift begins by working out on a treadmill and playing music from her iPhone. She uses Apple Music, a side addition to the Music app, that is similar to Pandora and Spotify. Apple Music has been renovated and now offers a free three month subscription for any user that tries out the membership.
According to Apple, “When you join Apple Music, you get a whole world of music—all of our 30 million songs and all of your songs—in one library, delivered to all of your devices.”
A seemingly great deal, but what does the price tag say? $9.99 per month or $14.99 per month for a “family of 6” subscription. In comparison to other radio or music offering software, Spotify ranks at the same price of $9.99 per month and Pandora One is below the belt at $4.99 per month. Spotify has began to gain even more subscribers, which seemed to threaten Apple and their $1.99 songs. They counteract Spotify by offering the first three months for free, while with Spotify it costs 99 cents.
Away from the prices, it is almost comical that Swift is supporting Apple Music, especially after she spoke out against them months earlier about how Apple would not be paying artists for the first three months of a member’s subscription.
Swift stated on her Tumblr blog, “I’m sure you are aware that Apple Music will be offering a free 3 month trial to anyone who signs up for the service. I’m not sure you know that Apple Music will not be paying writers, producers, or artists for those three months. I find it to be shocking, disappointing, and completely unlike this historically progressive and generous company.”
So what is it Swift? For or against Apple? Frankly, the music world, including Swift, plays the game of money and advertisement. Not only does she get her face out to the public, but is partnering with a multibillion dollar company that practically rules the music world. Sorry Apple, maybe partnering with a country-gone-pop artist that can also “rap” was not the best form of advertisement.