Talking Trends: Plus-sized Modeling

These models are changing the modeling scene for good.

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This week on “Talking Trends” we are diving into the world of modeling. When you think of the “perfect” model most people picture a beautiful, skinny and possibly blond girl. This has been the social norm since before I can remember. There are a lot of stories out there where models have been turned down because they weren’t the proper “shape” for the gig. Fortunately the modeling world is changing for the better. Being a plus sized model isn’t really a crazy concept any more and models of all shapes, sizes and colors are being booked.

“Plus size modeling helps show that people can love themselves for who they are and how they look,” said sophomore Kacey Meltzer.

Models like Ashley Graham and Iskra Lawrence are taking over the modeling scene and making young girls feel confident about their bodies one picture at a time. I know that when i see pictures of these girls rocking the outfits that they are in, it makes me feel like I can wear whatever makes me feel comfortable and confident in my body. If more girls became confident in their own skin we might just be able to change society for the better.