Remembering and Recognizing the Service of American Heroes
Many students at Antioch Community High School have family members that have given sacrifices in the branches of the United States military.
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Invisible Capes
Heroes are everywhere, but all too often they are thought of as being the masked figures who fly around and save the world with great strength, flight, invisibility, time shifting and more; however, those aren’t the heroes that walk this Earth. The Sequoit
superheroes’ powers go unnoticed and last far beyond the closing credit scenes of a movie. The impact of these
heroes lasts a lifetime.
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Sidekicks Are My Heroes
A social club inside the school
has more of an impact than
what one would think.
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Every Hero Has A Sidekick
A social club inside the school
has more of an impact than
what one would think.
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The Heartbeat of the School
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