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The student news site of Antioch Community High School.

Sequoit Media

The student news site of Antioch Community High School.

Sequoit Media

The student news site of Antioch Community High School.

Sequoit Media

Dungeon and Dragons club is all about being oneself and creating one's own story.

Club Highlight: Dungeons and Dragons

With all the clubs at Antioch Community High School, Dungeons and Dragon is one full of adventure and a multitude of possibilities.
Diya Schon, Tom Tom Staff
November 1, 2021
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The college process can be difficult for some students due to the varying factors. "The research component of the college search tends to sneak up on people, and it never seems like there is enough time to properly research schools" counselor Brett Heintz said. The added pandemic can make research extra strenuous.

Class of 2021 prepare for college

Seniors are sending out college applications and getting ready for their first year of college, but some may be struggling with the process.
Patrick Sheehan, Sports Online Director
December 7, 2020
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The transgender support group has flyers all across ACHS that will provide the information shown above and more.

A New Support Group At ACHS

Antioch Community High School is welcoming Trans Support Group (TSG), an organization that hopes to benefit transgender students.
Izana Nordhaus, Visual Director
November 20, 2019
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Marijuana, without education, can be harmful when you use it wrong.
“It's a depressant, and it will alter people's consciousness and their ability to focus and its ability to perform in class. Hopefully, with that education, if people do choose to do it, they'll do it at a time that is safe and controlled," Orlvo said.

Make Way for Marijuana

Antioch Community High School develops ways to cope with upcoming marijuana laws.
Olivia Gerhardt, Photography Director
September 23, 2019
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Childhood emotional neglect affects a vast majority of people. Junior Zoe Johnson sometimes feels the effects of this situation. "Teens don't express their emotions because they are worried about what other people will think," Johnson said.

Shadows and Tall Trees

Emotional neglect from adults could have dangerous consequences.
Alexandra Johnson, Junior Editor
January 25, 2019
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Invisible Capes

Invisible Capes

Heroes are everywhere, but all too often they are thought of as being the masked figures who fly around and save the world with great strength, flight, invisibility, time shifting and more; however, those aren’t the heroes that walk this Earth. The Sequoit superheroes’ powers go unnoticed and last far beyond the closing credit scenes of a movie. The impact of these heroes lasts a lifetime.
Rilee Schreiner, Tom Tom Staff
October 31, 2018
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