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The student news site of Antioch Community High School.

Sequoit Media

The student news site of Antioch Community High School.

Sequoit Media

The student news site of Antioch Community High School.

Sequoit Media

An influencer that has at some point been considered "cancelled" is James Charles. He is popular on YouTube for his success with makeup. Although he may have lost some fans when he was being "cancelled", he currently sits at 24 million subscribers on YouTube.


Cancel culture has social media influencers on edge.
Lena De Vore, Social Media Manager
December 7, 2020
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ACHS Students and Teachers Celebrate Women’s Equality

The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote and was officially certified on August 26th, 1920. Sequoits celebrated women’s right to vote and hold power in this country by creating a video.
Gabrielle Debevec, Tom Tom Staff
August 31, 2020
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The 2019-20 school year is Amanda Cardenas' first year teaching the EL class. She does her best to make understanding the English language as easy as possible for her students. "They go to regular classes all day long [so] they are learning English all day," Cardenas said. "My job though, is to make sure English makes sense [to them]."

Language and Culture Education

English Language classes offer students the ability to further their understanding of written and spoken English.
Kourtni Weldon, Lifestyles Writing Editor
December 9, 2019
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Teacher Amanda Cardenas writes the book title Crazy Love for her "First Page Fridays."

Second Year Teacher Thrills

After a busy first year teaching, Amanda Cardenas comes back as a mother of two ready for her second year.
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