“The problem does not lie in hatred, but in silence.” These are the words on the posters and programs for Antioch Community High School’s fall play, “Who Will Carry The Word?,” but silence was definitely not the problem for those involved with the production. The cast of “Who Will Carry The Word?” beautifully told a powerful story solely through their words. A story of truth, of terror and of the countless silenced victims of the Holocaust.
The cast portrayed their characters incredibly and left a lasting impression on the audience. Although not much action took place during the play, the audience’s attention was kept the entire time through the captivating dialogue and interactions between the characters. A lot of the play featured characters speaking to themselves or to the audience, which truly engaged the crowd and involved them directly in the performance.
The story taught a powerful lesson about the silenced victims of the terrors of the Holocaust and showed how the story of these horrors must continue to be told, so those who perished are not forgotten.
The cast, crew, and all who were involved in the production made a grand impact on the audience that earned them a five out five stars on their powerful and moving performance.