Study Apps Maximize Productivity
Study apps can help students study effectively and enhance their learning.
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Studying effectively and staying focused are common struggles when it comes to finishing school work or preparing for an upcoming test. However, implementing various apps can be a helpful way to study productively.
If a student has trouble focusing, Forest can combat this. Forest is an app that encourages focus by having users plant a tree or bush. The plant will take between ten minutes to two hours to grow, depending on the amount of time the user chooses. If the app is left then the sapling dies. The more plants that are grown, the larger the user’s forest will be.
Forest also tracks the amount of hours the user spends on various activities by using tags. Students can organize their tags by class to find out what classes they spend the most time on. This can also help students realize what classes they should invest more time in.
With its motivational design, Forest can inspire users to focus on their schoolwork and minimize distractions.
Duolingo is a language learning app that offers a variety of languages such as Spanish, German, French and Japanese. The lessons are personalized to fit the users learning style. The app is designed to encourage students to improve through small rewards, such as coins and levels. Sophomore Claire Downey has used Duolingo for four years and suggests using the app to learn basic vocabulary and review a language.
“I think it’s a really helpful app,” Downey said. “The format is really easy to look at and it’s modern.”
Students can use Quizlet to make studying more fun and effective. Study sets can be personalized for different classes. Sophomore Nathan Knoll uses Quizlet often to memorize vocabulary.
“I like how it’s convenient and it gives you a lot of different options,” Knoll said. “It’s really useful because you can search and see any type of flashcards anybody’s created.”
Quizlet offers numerous study methods, such as using flashcards, writing terms or definitions out, completing practice tests, matching terms to their definitions and more.
Both Duolingo and Quizlet are free, but Forest costs a small fee of $1.99. However, Forest, Duolingo and Quizlet are all widely available apps that encourage students to maximize their studying productivity.