An exciting trip overseas awaits various Antioch Community High School students in the spring of 2014. During spring break next year, social studies teacher and trip sponsor Stephen Rose and forty-seven Antioch Community High School students will be taking a trip to London and Paris.
This learning experience the trip provides will give students an opportunity to travel to different parts around the world; places that they would not normally get to go on their own. Students will get to experience how different European cultures compares to American Culture. They will also have the opportunity to learn life and navigation skills as well as how economic markets in Europe work.
“I chose London and Paris because I fell in love with the cities. Everyone there speaks English, which is good. There are maps everywhere,” Rose said.
Junior RJ Ruano said, “I decided to go on the trip because I’ve always wanted to go to Europe. I just wanted to expand my horizons and be able to experience the different ways that people live. I’m really into soccer, and soccer is really big in Europe, especially in England. I’m hoping that I can visit a famous team’s stadium, and if I’m really lucky, maybe go see a game! ”

Social studies teacher Stephen Rose prepares students attending the London and Paris trip for various weather precautions they may expect while abroad. The group is set to embark on their journey over spring break 2014. Currently, Rose is in the planning stage for a August 2015 trip to Japan.
Rose has plans to take the students on a tour of each city first thing once they arrive. The trip will be immensely beneficial to students in many ways, besides the fact that they get to say that they have been to London and Paris. Students will be able to think globally about issues and ideas, while they learn about big news in Europe.
“I’ll feel like I helped kids do some thing they could never do. It’s all about opportunity to learn. It brings satisfaction as a teacher,” said Rose.
The students, chaperons and Rose worked hard the entire summer to fund-raise for the trip. Th groups worked lemonade stands at the Thursday night concerts in downtown Antioch, held car washes at the school, sold catalogs, participated in bake sales and sold pixie sticks.
The students are very excited to try the food and go sight seeing.
RJ Ruano said, ” I think this trip will be beneficial by making me see cultures and ways of life that are different than here in America. I’m hoping this will widen my views on the world, and help me better appreciate other types of people. The trip is also really good for college applications.The main educational lesson from this trip would be just to see other ways of life. Like I said, I just want to see the other parts of the world, and widen my views. I think that teaches a lot more about diversity than most teachers could.”
Rose plans on hanging pictures from different trips in the social studies and foreign language hallway to begin building a tradition.