Students Get Creative in Makerspace
The ACHS Makerspace is a place for a person to express themselves through arts and crafts.
Materials are strewn across a table as a Sequoit works on a project
Based on an idea that originated from a single tweet three years ago, the Makerspace allows Antioch Community High School students to bring their creative ideas to life. Located in the Information and Learning Center (ILC), Makerspace houses all the supplies needed for students to create their artistic vision.
“Whenever I come up with an idea, I can just come here [Makerspace] and I have all the materials I need to make it,” sophomore Lynn Michalec said.
Makerspace offers materials such as canvases, hot glue, fabric and many other crafting items. The space, along with the materials, are available during fourth, fifth and sixth period.
“What I really like about this space [is that] it does not matter who you are,” ILC Director Barbara Mason said.
Makerspace is open to anyone working on a project for art class or anyone just looking to relieve stress by painting. A pass from an art teacher is not necessary to work in Makerspace, just determination and the will to work in a creative environment.
Students can walk into Makerspace with a vision and walk out with a masterpiece.