Student-Directed “And Then There Were None” Opens at ACHS
The murder mystery brought success as student-run show.
After starting off the school year with a well-known production of “Alice in Wonderland,” the Antioch Community High School theater department created contrast in both style and genre as they performed a more unknown play for their winter show.
The murder mystery, Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None”, performed this past weekend with positive reviews from many viewers. Consisting of eleven cast members (ten of which the play is centered around) who unexpectedly meet for various reasons on a deserted island, the play focuses on characters dying one by one, with each incident coinciding with the ten little soldier boys on the mantle in the house and the clever rhyme that goes along with it.
“The ten little soldiers rhyme tied the story together well,” junior Brooke Menzies said.
As the actors dwindled, the play forced audiences to question who the murderer was. After a dramatic shooting of the unsuspected killer, the show ended with an optimistic vibe between the two surviving love birds.
Compared to the mystical production of “Alice in Wonderland” that showed in October, “And Then There Were None” took a different approach in laying out the storyline with mystery at the center of its success.
“The production was direct and easy to follow compared to the abstract scenes and fantastical characters of Alice,” Menzies said.
Changing the scene with a more close-knit cast and student director senior Jasmine DeLara, Antioch’s production of “And Then There Were None” had a successful outcome in the eyes of the cast, director and audience members.