Street Signs: Saving Lost Sequoits

Street Signs decorate the halls of Antioch Community High School.

The English, math, science, health and foreign language hallways. Five hallways that make up Antioch Community High School. Those bland and generic names have been labeling the halls for 100 years. The ACHS staff decided it is time to add some characteristics to the hallways of ACHS.

Many students have noticed the hangings of the new street signs in several different hallways. With help from Principal Bradford Hubbard and Athletic Director Steven Schoenfelder, finding a way around school should be much easier.

“When I started last year, the one thing that I was confused by, was the numbering system of the building is hard to follow,” said Hubbard. “When trying to do emergency responses, to quickly get someone to a place or even trying to show around a new student, the layout of the school was just confusing and had no direction. 263 is over here and 264 is all the way over there. We wanted a creative way to name the hallways instead of being completely numbered based.”

Department Chairs have been working with teachers to come up with names for the hallway street signs. Using names of retired staff members and clever catch phrases correlating with what classes are in that hallway.

Hubbard hopes that the street signs will benefit students and staff. He anticipates that all signs will be up in the next couple of weeks.