(Associated Press)
Stranger Things is the hit show of the summer and fall. The Netflix original was released on July 15, and started gaining popularity immediately. The series is set in a small town in Indiana in the 80’s. The premise of the story is finding Will Byers, who disappeared one day coming home from a Dungeons and Dragons match with his friends (Mike, Lucas and Dustin). When his friends are searching for Will, they discover a girl named Eleven and she ends up being one of the most important characters. The series received an overwhelming amount of success from critic reviews, with a score of 90 percent on Rotten Tomatoes; the show is a hit, and here are the reasons why.
One of the main reasons why this show is so successful is because of the cast, every single actor was chosen perfectly for their role. From Winona Ryder perfectly displaying a frantic mother willing to do anything to find her missing son, to Millie Bobby Brown playing the single worded, mysterious Eleven with telekinetic powers. The fact that the majority of the cast is kids, adds a comedic aspect to the dark mystery. The kids make the show. For being only young teenagers, their acting is impressive, because they bring back a feeling of nostalgia for adults who were growing up in the 80’s, from the wardrobe to the music.
Another reason why it is so successful is because of the terrific sense of mystery. The show has one of the most twisted and interesting stories out there, and it is definitely not a predictable show. One of the most mysterious things in the U.S. is government labs, because no one knows where they are and what is done in them, and this series revolves around one.
Eleven is the second most mysterious thing, next to Will’s disappearance. Eleven was found by Mike, Dustin and Lucas in the woods and they have no idea where she came from. Little do they know, she will play a huge factor into finding their friend Will. The season also only has eight episodes in it, which makes it easier to watch. Unlike some shows with twenty two episodes in it, the show doesn’t drag on. Each episode reveals a new factor into finding Will and it makes it impossible to not binge watch it.
It was announced on August 31 that Stranger Things will be returning with a second season. The season will be short, just like the first one, containing only nine episodes. With the insane cliffhangers at the end of season one, the show has left viewers with even more mystery than before. The long awaited season two will be released around June 2017, so be prepared to binge.