Kevin Burt is a classic blues singer from Iowa, who came to Antioch Community High School to share his experiences and emotions about the blues genre. In his opinion, blues is the root of all American music, meaning any other genre has originated from the blues in some way, shape or form.
Burt talks about how when most people think of the blues, they associate it with sadness. To him though, the blues are just a way for people to express their various emotions. Whether it’s sadness, anger or happiness, the blues are able to portray those feelings. It is a way for people to be able to connect what is going on in their life at the time with the music. He explains that the stronger the attachment felt while listening to the music, the more people realize that they are not alone in whatever they may be going through.
Blues songs are often told through the point of view of the singer. They tell a story about what transpired during their life or how a certain event makes them feel. Burt believes that this can help people relate to the music more, and develop that connection he talked about.
The blues are a big part of Burt’s life. Its music and songs have shaped him since he was young, and continue to do the same in the present. He emphasizes the idea that the blues is a very special genre of music to him. It is a way for him and many others to express their feelings, like a release from the world. He thinks that there is something for everyone in blues music, it just takes looking around to find what songs speak to one’s heart.