Julia Maton, Lifestyles Writing Editor

[Photo] The struggles of prom dress shopping
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10 shoes that should have never existed
Throughout recent years, there have been shoes that some people love and some hate. Out of many shoes, which are truly the worst?
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Euphoria is back on the air
The new season of “Euphoria” came out on Jan. 9, 2022, and the show has set the HBO Max viewer record.
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Sequoit to Sequoit: Friends or Foes
In Ancient Greece, hunting was not only a source of survival – it was also seen as a way to prove one’s self. Nowadays, hunting as a sport is a highly disputed activity.
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Finding Safe Fun During COVID-19
Due to COVID, it can be hard to find something fun to do during fall and Halloween time, but some businesses have made safety precautions so guests can still have fun.
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