STAFF EDITORIAL: It’s Never Too Late to Learn
In the game of life there is a fine line hidden among laziness, entitlement and exhaustion. For many Sequoits, this line is blurred and slacking becomes an increasingly tempting priority.
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With first semester coming to a close, many students are finding themselves slacking off in class and, sometimes, in life. Whether they blame it on the time of year, the cold weather or even on their supposed “senioritis,” many can agree that we are becoming lazy.
Social studies teachers have noticed that students no longer complete the assigned reading, resulting in a decline on quiz and test scores. English teachers have to set aside more time than they originally intended in order to study certain literature pieces, all because students don’t do their work at home. Our own staff has even noticed a level of complacency among ourselves and our peers’ work ethics.
So where is this idleness coming from? Could it be due to technology? Or maybe it is caused by entitlement or ignorance that adults claim the youth of today possesses.
But what about the kids that overextend themselves and return home late each night, exhausted from their AP classes, sports practices, club meetings, fine arts rehearsals or other extracurricular activities that require their time? Sometimes, these students really do not have enough time or energy to complete all their homework or assignments. Couldn’t that which is perceived as laziness actually stem from tiredness caused by students overworking themselves?
Many kids enjoy going to their extracurriculars; that is why they involve themselves in those activities in the first place. After a long day of doing what they love, homework is the last thing that a student wants to be doing because they don’t find it enjoyable, they think it is busy work or they just don’t have the time.
However, when kids purposely choose certain activities over homework, that is when exhaustion becomes laziness. The academic aspect is the most important part of student life. That is why student-athletes are students first, then athletes. It’s why extracurricular activities possess the word “extra,” meaning beyond the curriculum. Schooling needs to be taken seriously, but, unfortunately, there are many factors preventing this expected diligence.
Studies show that one reason why our generation is lazier than most is because of our overexposure to and reliance on technology. While technology is intended to increase our progress, it is actually stunting our growth. We become too dependent on machines to do things for us, and we don’t learn the importance of work for ourselves.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, for the average person over 15 years old, watching TV takes up almost three hours of leisure time per day. This accounts for more than half of one’s leisure time. Comparatively, the average 15 to 19 year old spends only 13 minutes per day reading. Teens are stepping away from expanding their mental capacities and improving their vocabulary by reading, and they are instead positioning themselves on a couch in front of their TV.
Another reason our generation is considered lazy is because of our sense of entitlement. Students think they are above school; they do not see the immediate benefits that doing homework and attending class may bring. Kids feel like they don’t need to work and that instead everything will be handed to them. This translates into behavior and, oftentimes, a serious lack of respect for the environment we collaborate within together. They are unable to realize how great of a privilege schooling is; they see school as a burden, not a blessing.
If we want to fix this era of laziness, we actually have to do something about it. For once in our lives, we can’t sit back and expect our parents or our teachers to take care of it.
For once in our lives, we need to stop thinking about how much we need a break from our work, and start thinking about our future.
High school is supposed to be preparing us for college and for the real world. In the real world, a college professor won’t care if you slack off and fail your class. In the real world, if you don’t get an assignment done for your job, your boss will fire you. Life isn’t going to be easy. And the sooner we can realize this and realize that high school is meant to prepare us for that experience, the sooner our lazy attitudes can transform into ones that can accomplish tasks and be effective.