SPORTS FASHION: Winter Workout Wear
Winter weather should not stop your workout routine.

With the cold winter weather right around the corner, it is important for athletes to prepare with specific workout clothes.
With the cold weather coming, finding clothes to wear while working out is difficult. Whether it’s going for run outside, or to play football in the snow you need to bundle up before you have to face the consequences. How do you do this? Try these five simple tips on how to keep you warm working out this winter.
One: Pants
While this seems like a simple tip, most people tend to ignore it when heading outside in the cold. Someone will think that they will only be out for a minute, or they will be moving their legs so they will stay warm. In order to allow your legs to work to their full ability, they must be warm. Whether it is throwing on that new cute pair of leggings, or an old pair of sweatpants keeping the legs warm is one of the easy steps to getting the most out of an outdoor workout this season.
Two: Sweatshirts or Long Sleeves?
This is my only debate through this whole post. I am a sweatshirt wearing person. When I go out for a run in the winter I throw on a sweatshirt, but for some it is too hot when they begin to sweat. Some tend to just throw on a long sleeve workout shirt and grit out the initial cold. Either way wearing a long top when heading out will keep your arms warm even when they are not the main focus of your work out.
Three: The Right Shoes
The right shoes are a necessity when working out in general, but now that we have to suffer in the snow should we change it up? No, when working out outside you have to think about how it will impact your body. Those beat up old shoes that can bear the water damage might put some damage on your legs and hips. If you are directly playing in the snow, wearing a pair of boots might help and add a little workout, but otherwise stick to your normal workout shoes.
Four: Keeping the Toes Warm
So now that I am making you wear your normal workout shoes how do you keep your feet warm? Think thick socks. I own one pair of thick white socks that are not the most stylish, but they keep my toes cozy when out on a run. If you want to be more stylish than me there is another way to keep your toes warm: toe warmers. These are the cute little warmers that you grab for a couple of dollars at Wal-Mart and stick them in your shoes for your entire workout.
Five: The Ears
Last but not least are your ears. If you decide to wear a sweatshirt on your workout I doubt your hood will stay up, mine never has. My personal favorite is my thick, ear covering cross country headband, which provides a thin layer of warmth over my ears and forehead. If you do not own one of these headbands, a thin fabric hat will keep your ears warm without the fear of losing it.
While I can not make you wear any of these things when you workout this winter, these are the things I will be wearing to keep me at my best.