Socks Save Our Soles
ACHS is hosting a sock drive through March 17 to help community members in need of socks. The goal is to collect at least 75 pairs of socks.
Donate socks and contribute to reaching the goal of 75 pairs of socks.
March 15, 2017
ACHS is hosting a sock drive coined “Socks Save Our Soles” through March 17 in order to provide members of our community with socks to ensure their feet stay safe and warm in the cold temperatures Lake County have been experiencing lately. New socks can be placed in the yellow donation boxes found in the Main Office or Room 243.
Socks are an everyday necessity that many take for granted. They keep feet bundled and warm, even in the most frigid of temperatures. Some members of the Antioch community are not fortunate enough to have this necessity that most take for granted.
“I haven’t ever really thought about it,” senior Jacob Emer said. “Socks have always been something I have had and I never realized that there are people who don’t have socks to wear in the winter. It is definitely a necessity I have taken for granted.”
Over the course of the past week, Lake County found itself in the midst of a snow storm hat have caused temperatures to plummet. With the harsh winter the Midwest endures every year, it is essential to have socks to prevent frostbite from occurring.
Open Arms Mission serves over 200 people in our community each month, and is where all donated socks will be taken. The goal is to collect at least 75 pairs of socks for donation, and participants of the Sequoit Wellness Challenge will earn two points for donating socks at any time during the donation period.