Snapchat vs Instagram

Students at Antioch debate the two most popular social media platforms, Snapchat and Instagram.

Avery Krizanovic

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Social media can play a huge role in one’s everyday life. Most people are constantly posting, viewing and taking photos to show the world. In this generation, with Snapchat at 186 million users and Instagram having 500 million users, they are the most popular social media platforms for high school students.

Snapchat and Instagram are two very different platforms of social media. They are used differently, yet also have many similarities. That is why it may be interesting to see which platform students prefer more. For example, Snapchat posts only last for 24 hours whereas Instagram posts last forever. Both platforms have messaging included within the app. 

“There are more people on snapchat and it’s a better source of communication”, junior Quinn Gillespie said. “There’s also a lot more to do on Snapchat.”

Though some may think that Snapchat is better, many can also disagree. 

“To me, Instagram is better because you are able to see how creative people can get with editing their pictures,” junior Gianna Riforgiato said. “ You also have an explore page where you can watch endless videos that you are interested in.” 

166 students from Antioch Community High School were asked to take a poll and  choose whether they prefered Instagram or Snapchat. There was a major difference between the two social media platforms. After the 24 hour survey was over, 30 students voted for Instagram while 136 students voted for Snapchat. 

Overall, Snapchat is in the lead. With the app including games, stories, memories and messaging, more students tend to find it more useful.