Sequoits Take Second In Season Opener
After a grueling practice regimen before their first meet, the varsity cheer team took second at Stevenson.
The Sequoits are performing their routine at Stevenson.
After a big competition at Stevenson this past weekend, the Antioch varsity cheerleading team is happy to start their season with a stellar performance in many different aspects. They will continue to work on getting even better and more conditioned in every way they can.
“I think we’ve improved in a lot of ways recently,” sophomore Alexa Phillips said. “We know what we want to accomplish this year, and that’s winning state, and after all of the work we continue to put in, I think we can reach that goal.”
With their eyes set on the prize and their first competition behind them, the varsity cheer team aims to keep getting better. Making their chances of achieving their final goal of winning state that much closer.
“Everyone on the team has been putting in a lot of work recently,” freshman Alexis Dalton said. “The season just started and a lot of us are really confident with what we can do this year. Everybody thinks we really have a shot to do the best we ever have.”
Since before the season even started, all of the members of the team have trained harder and faster than ever before, as for many this season means everything to them. After coming so close to winning state this past year, for the seniors this is the final chance they have to show people they’re the best Illinois has to offer. With this in mind, many of the members of the team are working harder than ever before, as they know what this season means to many of their teammates, in addition to what it would mean to themselves.
“Everyone on the team is putting in the most work we can,” junior Kylee Craig said. “We want to do whatever we can to win state this year because this could be the biggest thing we do at this school and we want to make a lasting impact after we leave. I think that’s why this season means so much to the seniors.”
With the season opener behind them, the varsity cheer team still has plenty of room for improvement, as well as the rest of the season to work on everything they need in order to achieve all of their goals as a team. With their hard work and continued effort in mind, the team hopes to do even better their next competition at Rolling Meadows on the twenty-first.