Sequoits’ Spring Break Kicks Off in Disney and Italy

Sequoits are ready to take off in hopes of learning something new on their week off.

Jason Wood

More stories from Jason Wood

Hey Man, Screw It
May 11, 2018

Megan Helgeson

Junior Megan Helgesen’s bag decorated for Italy.

Oh, the places you’ll go when you choose to take a trip with the Sequoits. This spring break, the Fine Arts Department and the International Travel Club has given the option to students to go on spectacular trips.

The Fine Arts students are going to Disney for a chance to show their skills, relax and strengthen their relationships with friends. While in Disney, the respective departments will go to different workshops to hone their crafts and are given a chance to perform at Disney Springs. In their off-time, they’ll get to spend time at Disney and Universal theme parks.

Many of the students said they are excited for the impact the trip will have on the relationships between teammates and classmates.

“Since I’m going for both dance and choir, I think it’ll impact my relationships with the people in those groups the most,” JV dance captain sophomore Briana Pinto said.

The International Travel Club is flying overseas to give students a taste of something new in Italy. Sightseeing, learning new culture and spending time with friends top the agenda for the traveling Sequoits.

“I think that it’s particularly cool for my brother and I due to the fact that we are Italian and have been hearing stories about Italy our whole life,” junior John Howe said. “We will now have something to compare those stories to.”