Sequoit Tennis on The Rise
Sending four different girls to state tournament open eyes to other programs in the area.

The state qualifying tennis girls pose in their matching sweatshirt for a photo.
The lady Sequoit tennis team represented ACHS and the Antioch community as a whole this weekend at the state finals tennis tournament in Buffalo Grove, IL.
Doubles partners, Emma DeJong and Elizabeth Gardner, along with two singles qualifiers, Sjana Henderson and Kelsey Neville were the only members of the tennis team to move forward from sectional tournament.
Early on in the tournament DeJong and Gardner were faced with tough competition and took two early losses in their first two games, although towards the end of the second game they pushed for a late comeback ultimately fell short.
Falling short on the comeback, Gardner still had a great time.
“The highlight of tournament was hanging out with my teammates one last time this season, and also cheering them while they played their matches.” Gardner said.
While Garner cheered on her teammates one last time she had time to think about the season and everything the team accomplished as a whole looking back.
“I am so proud of the team,” Gardner said. “We have come so far throughout the season, by improving every tournament until we finally got to sectionals and won the championship again.”
Henderson also played two great matches but was not able to capture a win and was sent home early from the tournament.
On the other end of the spectrum Neville went on to take a 4th place medal at the state finals, falling just short of the 3rd place to Chicago University High’s Dhanya Asokumar. Her overall record at the tournament was 4-2. Only being a junior, she looks to improve this offseason and make a run next year for the IHSA State Championship.