Sailing Away

A better understanding to sailing and how to get involved

Photo courtesy of Greg Henning

Ted Martinek, Tom Tom Reporter

Sailing has been apart of the human culture since the first civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Overtime, humans have perfected and mastered the seas, making our ships bigger, grander, and faster. Sailing has been pushed away from commercial use, but the sport and pastime is still alive and well in our community.

To some, the thought of piloting or manning a sailboat is daunting, but the reality is that it is easy to grasp the concepts and skills needed to partake in the sport. The only prerequisite is knowing how to tie a figure eight knot, a clove hitch, how to tie rope off on a cleat, and how to coil a rope.

The most important part to become a sailor is experience. Many yacht clubs along Lake Michigan offer sailing schools during the summer. Gym teacher Greg Henning is the Commodore of the Racine Yacht Club, and they have classes for sailing all throughout the summer.

Sailing is a sport and pastime that is in quick access for anyone in Antioch Community High School. Anyone interested in sailing should contact Gym Teacher Gregg Henning at