Running Through Baseball
Here’s what has happened with the baseball team so far this season.
Baseball continues to practice in order to improve all of their personal skills.
Throughout this season, the Antioch baseball team has been putting forward their best effort. Their current record is 6-7, but it has the possibility of changing at any minute. Even though their record is not great, this year’s baseball team is hoping to continue improving their skills at practice to get more wins before the season comes to an end.
“Our worst games have been when we don’t execute our plays, which unfortunately has happened against Grant this year,” senior Patrick Day said. “Our best games are when we really come together. I think we are still looking for that spark which would really bring us together, but I think it will come when we play against Grayslake Central.”
There are still many games left in the season, so make sure to support the Sequoit baseball team as they push to get more wins throughout the rest of the season.