Rocky IV: The “I Must Break You” Workout
This at-home workout can make any athlete unbreakable.
While it can be difficult to find a Siberian Ice Plain to train on, this “Rocky IV” inspired workout is sure to enhance athletic performance in all physical activities.
Scale the Mountain: Find a hill nearby and run up it for multiple rounds every other day.Jessica Lamberty
Doorway Pull-Ups: Grab the top of the door frame and do pull-ups. Add more rounds each day.Jessica Lamberty
Toboggan Tow: Wrap ropes around weights and pull them across a yard multiple times. Jessica Lamberty
Reverse Sit-Ups: Hanging from the table, do sit-ups and toe touches repeatedly. Jessica Lamberty
Bob & Weave: Under a clothing line, duck under and move side to side in a skiing motion. Jessica Lamberty
Haul Ax: Chop wood and complete other household chores that require a lot of physical exertion. Jessica Lamberty
Junior Alejandro Chavez noted that there’s more to learn from the “Rocky” movie series than just workout routines.
“No matter what the odds are, with hard work and determination, one can do whatever they want,” Chavez said. ““When life knocks you down, you gotta get back up.”
Junior Madison Dvoratchek learned that one should always follow their passions.
“People who love you will always support you in your decisions no matter how bad or dangerous they are,” Dvoratchek said.
For a mini-clip of the Rocky IV training scene, check out