Review: Teeth Whitening Charcoal Powder
There is one thing everyone should do confidently at least once a day: smile.
A smile is one of the first noticeable features on a person and it is the most memorable, so it pays off to flash those pearly whites. Unfortunately, not many people can say they have the whitest teeth on the planet. Everything we eat or drink can strip the protective enamel and fade the color of our teeth over time. Dentists offer teeth cleaning and whitening procedures that cost a fortune, and the whitening toothpaste offered in stores might not brighten the color as many shades as promised.
I have reasonably white teeth, but the amount of coffee and enamel damaging foods I consume throughout the year has taken a toll on the shade of my teeth. I’ve already tried a whitening toothpaste and baking soda combination, and it had done nothing to whiten my teeth. In 2017, the franchise of the Teeth Whitening Charcoal had grown popular, so I decided to use this brand for 2 weeks to see if the promises made could be fulfilled.
The Yalfen teeth whitening charcoal found on Amazon conveniently addresses almost every concern users have when whitening: it’s inexpensive and natural, so it won’t increase tooth sensitivity, destroy enamel or gum health. I ordered the 30oz. container, which was said to last around two and a half months if used 2 times a day. The little box I received came with a bamboo toothbrush, with charcoal bristles to enhance the product. I found it uncomfortable to use, because it is not polished and I felt like I was going to get a splinter in my mouth. The refined charcoal powder is loose inside, so you have to be careful opening the container- I found out later that it does stain clothing. One you master opening the container, it’s pretty simple: dip your damp toothbrush in the powder and brush over your teeth as you regularly would with toothpaste for a few minutes. It was really simple to use, once you got the hang of it.
I wanted to see if the amount of charcoal on the brush affected how white the teeth would be. The first week I doused my toothbrush in water and then the powder, and the second I used substantially less powder. My conclusion: less is more. With the larger amount of powder the spit and water combination inside my mouth became a black mess, and my white porcelain sink matched my teeth. Using less charcoal was easier to maintain, and it saves more powder.
Overall, my experience with whitening charcoal has been mediocre. Everyones teeth are different, which varies the results. The bamboo brush was a nice surprise, but I wish I was able to use it longer. Even though my teeth got a little bit whiter, it was not noticeable enough to other people. I would recommend using the powder for a longer time for whiter results.