REVIEW: New Trader, Rich Trader: How to Make Money in the Stock Market
A brief review on a book about the stock market, and tips for trading.

“New Trader, Rich Trader: How to Make Money in the Stock Market” by Steve Burns with Janna Burns is a piece of narrative nonfiction about how to make money in the stock market. The book is informative, clever and clear, which makes this the perfect book for those just starting in the trading business.
Steve Burns takes and interesting twist in the structure of the book by both establishing two characters, New Trader and Rich Trader, and starting each chapter with a pair of opposites. The first chapter, for example, states in bold: “New Traders are greedy and have unrealistic expectations; Rich Traders are realistic about their returns.” Then we are told how New Trader makes mistakes, such as having unrealistic expectations, and then is taught by Rich Trader. Each chapter is a lesson to learn, a lesson that is taught to the reader by Burns by the use of Rich Trader’s conversations with New Trader. The book is targeted towards beginners in the stock market, and New Trader is meant to establish a connection with the reader. Both are new to the ways of the market, and both learn valuable lessons from Rich Trader’s insight.
Not only is the book instructional and insightful, but it’s a fun read in general. It’s nice to see how you progress in knowledge as the book progresses, and as New Trader becomes more experienced. For those looking for a book about the stock market, and ways to make money from the market successfully, this is the book.