Review: A Child Called “It”
One amazing child fighting for his life with more than just his strength

December 6, 2014
“One child’s courage to survive” are the words on the cover page of the novel “A Child Called ‘It'” by Dave Pelzer. In the 1900’s in a small California home the worst case of child abuse in history came to be known. This heart breaking journey begins with a little boy named David and his will to fight.
When you begin to turn the very first pages of the book, it seems as any other sugar coated novel but you quickly learn it isn’t. Everything starts going downhill when Davids mother becomes abusive , emotionally unstable, and an alcoholic. Soon David’s average day becomes his worst nightmare.
Instead of being called by his name, his mother calls him “It.” She makes him feel as if he is not human, like he shouldn’t even be part of the family. He soon starts to believe all of the nasty things his mother tells him. He feels unwanted even at school. He screams for help but no one seems to pay attention to the tears running down his face.David’s only hope is his father.
It will make you sick to the stomach reading about all of the horrifying “games” David is forced to play that leave him almost dead.
Nothing is worse than feeling as if you don’t belong, as if you disappeared nobody would notice. “A Child Called ‘It'” is based on Dave Pelzer’s life. It is written with lots of detail of as he carries you through his heartbreaking experience.
I would rate it five out of five stars. This novel changes your view on so many things. You will realize how lucky you are and that your life is a breeze compared to Dave’s. Even if it brings tears to your eyes and makes your heart beat a million miles per hour, “A Child Called ‘It'” is worth every second of your time.