Remembering and Recognizing the Service of American Heroes
Many students at Antioch Community High School have family members that have given sacrifices in the branches of the United States military.

Students write explanations of the service of a family member or friend on specially made paper dog tags.
In the days preceding the Veterans Day assembly, some students took a few minutes of their time to fill out a dog tag shaped slip of paper devoted to explaining their relationship with a veteran and an explanation of their service. Just outside of the North gym, 453 total dog tags were displayed for all students, staff and visitors to view for the special day meant for honoring those who fought for our country.
By filling out this paper, students could receive a sense of pride and appreciation for their family member or friend who has served in one of the branches in the military because they know that everyone will be able to recognize them for their hard work.
“Filling out the paper means a lot to me because it allows me to remember my family member who served in the military,” junior Samantha Champney said.
While visiting ACHS and seeing the recognition of veterans displayed on the wall in the building, Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard veterans could feel accomplished and know that they are being honored for their duties.
According to the Demographics of the U.S. Military by Council of Foreign Nations just under 1.29 people are currently enlisted in the military. Although this is only around 0.5 percent of the population, each of their lives and sacrifices helps protect the United States on a daily basis and they deserve to be honored for their service.
“It’s important to recognize veterans on veterans day to honor all of those who have served for our country and because it’s respectful to them,” Champney said.
On Veterans Day it is important to recognize those who have risked their lives so they can know that their sacrifices did not go unnoticed and unappreciated by those that they fought to protect.