Regnier’s Sequoit Volleyball Career is Set
Senior Lillian Regnier continues to allow volleyball to consume her time while she still enjoys playing the sport.
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Senior volleyball player Lillian Regnier, known as Lilly amongst her peers, did not always have the mindset of playing varsity volleyball when she was growing up. At first, she played softball and took ballet classes but she was soon introduced to the world of volleyball. She first started playing volleyball in the fourth grade when she started to learn her way around the court through camps that she attended with her friends.
Currently, Regnier is a middle blocker, a critical position which is defense oriented. Her main duty is to block any hits attempted by the other team as well as being able to counter with an offensive play. She likes this position because other teams are most intimidated by the middle blocker due to their need to be quick and powerful.
Regnier’s love for her position makes her love for the sport even greater.
“I enjoy volleyball for the adrenaline; when you get an ace or a kill, you get a rush and just want to keep doing it over and over again,” Regnier said. “The sport becomes addictive because you want to keep on improving yourself.”
To Regnier, volleyball is a passion that she has spent most of her life pursuing. The atmosphere that the sport provides to her is one that is unchallenged. Outside of school, she has gone to clinics, has met helpful coaches and formed bonds with other girls. Regnier absorbs as much information as she can when given tips or advice from others around her as she is always looking for a way to improve herself. As a Sequoit, Regnier continually finds herself learning from all of her teammates.
Being a Sequoit volleyball player means that she has a responsibility to the team and the school. Yet, Regnier and the volleyball team still find themselves able to relax and have fun before their games.
“The whole team goes into the locker room and someone hands out fun band-aids and candy that has a pun attached,” Regnier said.
After the exchange of light-hearted laughs, the whole team goes onto the court and warms up. For Regnier, her warmup consists of throwing a volleyball back and forth to her partner as a way to loosen their shoulders. Next, the duo would hit the balls downward as a way to transition into peppering, which is volleying the ball between the two players.
Regnier has had a lot of time to build her volleyball capabilities and is excited to see where this season will end up taking her. She is ready to complete and is hopeful that volleyball will take her farther than she has gone before.
All of her effort that she has put into the sport has brought her to the varsity level at Antioch and will continue to present itself to the fans for the rest of the season.